The Great Rupert AKA AM

I got a lot of cool stuff from a lot of cool people.

I got the mother load from dallas.
I got a leather and a xenia which didn't make it :( from josh
and a REALLY cool bright green shroom from I forgot.

I want to know what you guys want. While I probably won't frag my new small frags from logical because they are so small I am willing to give anything else. I have a butt load of zooanthid palythoas that i got from giovoni. I know they are super common, but it's the only thing that I have now that makes sence to frag.

I do have 3 tyopes of grape calerpa, illegal mexican fishbone calerpa, sheet, 3 red macros, and 2 unidentified slow growers, and spegetti that I got from dallas. I also have bunble which I personaly like, I seem to have trouble growing it, but I don't like it that much.


Rup- the green shroom was from me. Don't sweat it man, somewhere down the road I'm sure we'll be trading again.

The Great Rupert AKA AM

I actually saw that on a web site for 15 dollars per quarter sized frag. It's a fungia right? technically it's an LPS. I read they can reproduce sexually. don't have the book with me, but it's definatly cool.

The Great Rupert AKA AM


check it out.

acording to calfo's book

unlike coralimoprphs thaey aren't as good at attching to rocks but like to stay on soft substraight and can be washed away by strong currents. They also will accept large peices of food more redaly.

well, somone is wrong, and I'm definatly not knowledgable enough to pick somone to blame. I've seen a lot of pictures of "green plate coral" that look totally diferent.


[ February 20, 2003, 04:06 PM: Message edited by: The Great Rupert ]


I see your confusion from that pic, but if you had both specimens in front of you the differences would be obvious. Fungia are LPS. They have stony skeletons with soft tissue enveloping it. Coralimorpharians are actually closer related to scleractinians than to octocorals (they've been described as "stonies without skeletons."), so from pictures they can look quite similar. Coralimorphs, however, are soft bodied. There is no skeleton. It's essentially a big fleshy polyp with a pedal attachment, and that equals mushroom.

Additionally, the tentacles you see on an LPS like a fungid are retractile. The little "tentacles" you see on that shroom are not. Next time you're at the LFS take a look at a plate coral up close and personal and it will be apparent.

Let it attach to a rock. And you can certainly feed it. These particular shrooms are not at all shy about closing up around a piece of shrimp. It'll purse-up and looks (to me) like an onion. Fungids can't do that because the flesh is attached to a skeleton. Trust me on this one Rupe, it's a Rhododactis sp. mushroom. Enjoy!

The Great Rupert AKA AM

mine hangs out in a hole in a rock. when the lights go on he crawls out. drove me nuts when he first went in the hole because he was missing for two days.

The Great Rupert AKA AM

I just aw a small bittle star today. not the white kind, it was black posibly with blue stripes. I did get a small uncured pice of LR for my fuge, but the star was in the display. he was located in the oposit corner as the return from thge fuge.

the star was on one of the rocks from dallas. could it be from any of your tanks?

HOLY CRAP!!!!!!!!!!!! my goby if letting the cleaner shrimp clean him for the first time ever!!!!!!! just yesterday the shrimp was chasing him around!!! today kicked ASSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!! I must be workin' my karma good.

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