I too had aptasia running amock in my tank. I added a few true peppermint shrimp, and within a few days, all of the aptasia were gone, and have not returned. The shrimp are now detritovores, and to my knowledge have not damaged any other inhabitants of my tank. The other bonus is that they spawn frequently and produce plankton that is eaten by my sea fan. Copperbanded butterfly fish can be employed, but they are more delicate, more expensive and potentially destructive to corals. Certain nudibranchs eat aptasia, but since it is there only food, they starve when the aptasia are gone. Aptasia can be injected with concentrated kalk or peroxide, but this is marginally effective, tedious, and can damage other organisms. Bottom line, peppermint shrimp are really the way to go, just make sure you don't get camel shrimp instead. Good luck!!