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Alfredo De La Fe

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Upper West Side
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Hey Guys:

My 12 year old daughter caught the reefing bug from me! She saved her money and got a 30 gallon rimless. I helped her set it up and we very patiently got it going. Two months later we got her fish. Didn't have room for a QT, but since the tank only had a pair of clowns I figured we would risk it and treat if ich happened.

Well, just shy of 2 weeks after introducing the fish the tang developed ich.

I added a 15W UV to her tank and added 2 cleaner shrimp which aren't picking at the fish at all. (My hope was that they would help clear the gills and possibly reduce the parasite load at the trophant stage)

I am about to start the tank transfer method. I am setting up a 10 gallon tank but will need the 2nd 10 gallon tank.

I also want to put a low dosage of copper in the QT tanks to hopefully clear up any ich in the fishes gills? Would this help?

Anything I can do to wipe out the ich in her display tank quicker than 6 weeks? I will do the tank transfer method for the recommended 13 days + 3 more days just to err on the side of caution. I will raise the temp of the QT tanks to 80F and the DT to 81F (81 speeds up the lifecycle of ich per another forum that specializes in fish diseases)

Alfredo De La Fe

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Upper West Side
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Copper doesn’t provide any immediate relief for Ich, it only shields a fish from reinfection.

6 weeks @ 81F is the “safest” fallow period for Ich.

I would consider doing 2 H2O2 baths whilst perform TTM to address the possibility of Velvet, Brook, Flukes: https://humble.fish/community/index.php?threads/hybrid-ttm-to-treat-all-parasites.87/

I transferred all fish to display and moved inverts and frags to QT. Dose whole tank with CP and already flasher wrasse has no physical signs of ich. Tang is showing improvement. Stuff works FAST.

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I transferred all fish to display and moved inverts and frags to QT. Dose whole tank with CP and already flasher wrasse has no physical signs of ich. Tang is showing improvement. Stuff works FAST.

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Did you dose Copper Power or Chloroquine Phosphate into your DT?

Alfredo De La Fe

Senior Member
Upper West Side
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I dosed CP. Per the protocol I went over with the guy that helped me out I dosed a second, smaller dose today and a third smaller dose tomorrow. (It is just 40 gallons total water) I knew there was a risk the fairy wrasse would not survive CP, but it seems to be handling it very well. All fish are eating and the visible signs of ich are starting to go away on the red sea purple tank. (Looks like faded dots now- I imagine they are wounds?) The wrasse looks completely ich free and everything else is as healthy as can be.

The corals, inverts and chaeto are in a separate 10 gallon QT. I will just be feeding the cleaner shrimp a pinch of flake a day. My big concern is moving everything back to the display. So I will do a 50% water change tomorrow and another 50% every three days. Hopefully with no fish to infect within two weeks most of the ich will be out of whatever surface contamination there was... Still won't put stuff back into my display for 6 weeks...
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Alfredo De La Fe

Senior Member
Upper West Side
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Just an update. I moved all her frags and inverts to the QT tank and treated her display with CP. Only list one chromis which I suspect died from unrelated causes! A month later I turned skimmer back on and added a carbon reactor. CP removed and coral and inverts added back. Everything is very healthy!

I turned 10 gallon into QT tank and I have 2 new fish in CP for 3 weeks. This stuff is the miracle ich cure! A bit labor intensive because it does require a few large water changes but well worth it. It would have been a lot less work if I had done this in the QT tank instead of the display.

FYI- exactly at the 3 week mark every single bristle worm started to die and collect in spots on the sand where flow took them…


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