
Hello everybody. I have a question regarding compact fluorescent lighting: has anyone found CFL lamps in the 5000K temp. and higher from any of the major suppliers (Philips, Osram, GE)? I am looking for a PL-L style lamp, approx. 20-30W. The part numbers for Philips, GE, and Osram are as follows: PL-L 24W/41, F27/24BX/SPX41, and FT24DL/841. The "41" refers to 4100K, the highest color temp. I have been able to track down.
I realize that Custom Sea Life sells these lamps, but I don't understand why consumers can't purchase directly from the manufacturer. thanks.

-Chris Colvin


Because the manufacturer of the bulbs is Panasonic. They are OEM bulbs, you can buy direct from the manufacturer.....by the pallate. Yes that is 4,000 bulbs per model number. CSL is the only distributor of such bulbs in North America.

The hamiltons are Osram I believe and they don't seem to be as good as the Panasonics, plus they only go to 55 watts. Phillips makes 9watt blues but thats all I've seen from them unless they have released new product in the past 5 months.


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