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Tunicate Tamer
Brooklyn, NY
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I say it depends on what you are looking for.
I've seen a lot of newer books that lack on quality fish care and background. I think it is important to know about different parasites, what they look like, what different diseases/issues look like for different fish. I also think it is good to have a bit of fish physiology along with pathology.
Most older books I've read through have a decent background. That is why I buy books. To get a diverse background of information that i CAN'T (easily) just get from the internet.

Newer books tend to have less background info and more pictures. The pictures have less information. It tends to be the quality I would find if I went LIGHTLY through a forum, and collected the tank/pic of the month for a select few critters.

One thing that I find interesting is that the new books have not updated the reef equipment sections as I'd like to see. They stick to the barebone concept and barely chat about the potential design and engineering aspect of designing an ecosystem.

Lol, I also just hate books that lack a professional tone. Most of the newer books I've seen are too conversational. I don't want to feel like I may know more (or be able to articulate at a higher level) than the people writing the book.

So, I have also have that bias when reading aquarium books.

-so end point, for my tastes, I would question whether the newer books are worth buying.
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Brooklyn, NY
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Yes, thay are very much worth it as is the fantastic and more up to date Vol. 3 ( but it doesn't really replace vol 1 -2 IMO). There are very few, if any, hobbyist level books that deliver the depth and bredth of information that the Delbeek and Sprung books do. There are also very few authors I trust as much either. AND, you cannot replace books of this quality by simply browsing on-line forums. Sorry folks, you just can't.


Advanced Reefer
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Thanks guys. The two volumes are a bit expensive, not discounted they go for about $80, but I might pick them up for $30 each. I gotTony Vargas new book for chirstmas, and somebody here was not pleased with it. I skimmed through and it seems to be current, but the Delbeek and Sprung book are not so I wanted to see what people that read the book thought about it, years after they were released. About Tony Vargas, if anybody is interested, he will be in Brooklyn in March. He will speaking at the Brooklyn Aquarium Society monthly meeting. I'll probably have my book signed.


Tunicate Tamer
Brooklyn, NY
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Yeah, they are a bit pricey but worth it because you can really learn from it. I got vol 1 and 2 for free during college as it was related to my major/a present!

But seriously, they are the way to go versus some of the newer stuff.


Advanced Reefer
new york
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You can't put a price on the Bible for Reef Tanks.
Vol.1, 2 & 3 are a must if you keep reef. IMO 1&2 are the best
There is another set which is better but more intricate.
The modern coral reef aquarium 1,2,3,4. I can't put them down.
The more you read the more you your educated.

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