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Ft Worth, Tx
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Very nice. I've been thinking about this exact project for the past few weeks, but planned to actually drill and weave fishing line back and forth. It would keep me busy for a bit. :) I didn't see where you listed where the mesh came from.


Barnum Island
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Thanks again guys! ;)

EZnet - All is good so far! The 175w MH on this tank is only 6" above the cover and I've had no sagging, stretching or anything else negative. The glues are holding up great too.

Marc - The netting I used is 'pond & pool netting' made by Gardeneer. It's a 3/8" mesh which we've found is important as the netting (and eggcrate) in the 1/2" size is too large and a wrasse or gramma with a running start can shoot right through it. I bought mine at Ace Hardware as I recall the 14' x 14' pkg was around 6.99
I still have a bunch left over, if you want a chunk...just PM me and tell me how much you need & I'll drop it in the mail.
BTW- Welcome aboard, nice to have you here!:biggrin:

Hey Scarf - the dremel worked great, thx for the idea...the handle now actually operates the door..lol


Advanced Reefer
Staten Island
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Excellent work KathyC.
I had the front glass cover of my tank open for feeding and my longnose hawk which I had for over a year shot out past me and landed on the cement floor (carpeting mighta saved him). With a mesh top I wouldn't have had this problem. Thats why I'm here-to pick up good ideas like this one.


Barnum Island
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Thanks SIreefer!! That cover provides a LOT of peace of mind for me! :approve:

Warren, sure! Can use it for parts. So far the glue is holding the cylinder on mine together..but I don't trust it long term. I can pick up from you at work, just say when. Thanks again!!


Experienced Reefer
Ft Worth, Tx
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My tank is 72 x 30, so I have a feeling I need to use thicker acrylic to keep the rigidity necessary. I really like your hinged door idea. That was something I was trying to figure out. My tank has three bulbs hanging over it, so if I made it in two pieces. the center bulb (400w) would have to shine through both pieces of acrylic and I don't think that is a good plan.


Barnum Island
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72 x 30? ...lucky you!! lol
I can't imagine a tank that long & wide has no bracing at all...just guessing... but I'd figure 2 braces? What about building it in 3 sections?
Doors could also be cut diagonally into the corners where a shadow might be less obvious, instead of straight across like mine.

First thought that pops to mind is there must be some metal (stainless steel?) or something that doesn't rust and is rigid that might be found in a width no more than 1/8" that could be used as a brace. Could be attached on both ends to the edging by the creative use of little pieces of plexi glued on the edging. Though ultimately I think you might still see a shadow from that...

Second thought would be binding a finished edging onto the netting (to keep it from tearing..though the stuff is pretty strong), and adding grommets to the edging. Then glue (?) ..I have no idea what, but something that the grommets can slip onto on the edge of the tank and pull the netting taut across the tank.

Still think there must be at least 1 brace...what is the frame made of Marc?


Experienced Reefer
Ft Worth, Tx
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I have a 3" lip around the top of the tank as it is Euro-braced. Here's an older picture.


A three-panel system is plausible. While I was mulling this over about a week ago, I thought about making acrylic I-beams, as they would be less prone to bend. Using 3/8" acrylic, I still think it will bow over the expanse of the tank, which is why it would actually be better to make it once piece as the fabric is light. However, moving the entire thing would be a hassle.

Maybe I should just convince my fish to stay in the water where they'll live longer. :D
Upper East Side
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It seems to me that the problem with a 6' tank is the bowing horizontally, not vertically. What if you did it in even more than three panels? What about doing 4-6 panels? A panel only a 1' to 1.5' wide shouldn't bow. You could even make a series of doors, i.e. if you made it a 6 panel construction, you could have the panel one door open to the right, the panel 2 door open to the left, 3 to the right, etc., etc., etc. That would also give you the freedom to feed whereever you like, and (more importantly) take lots of top down photos. :biggrin:


Barnum Island
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Lissa - Marc's issue would be the 'vertical' measurement of 30 inches possibly sagging. The 72" length isn't an issue as the frame for the netting would sit on top of the edge of the tank. I'm with you that we need top down shots!! :)

Marc - if the edge of the tank is 3 inches, then we're only left with 24" to span..correct?
I'm heading out to my plexi place today and will grab a small piece of 3/8 and prop it up under my lights to see how much abuse it takes. Will assume all of your bulbs are 400w. Also curious to see how much light gets past the 3/8 thickness.
I still like the 3 panels for ease of movement.


Experienced Reefer
Ft Worth, Tx
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I should do the same test with a piece of acrylic. I'll measure the width, but 24" sounds about right. The lights are 250w, 400w, 250w.

The main thing is I don't want to have to make it twice. So I try to figure out in advance all the flaws before I proceed.


Barnum Island
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Well, it's been like this...I haven't been home during the time my lights have been on for the last 2 days...which takes all the fun out of running the test.
I did just finally set up a piece under the lights, so I'll see what has transpired (or not) late Friday night (hey, it's the weekend, time for fun!).

Since one of my current 1/4" frames is spanning slightly over 20" and hasn't had any sagging issues, I do believe that a 24 inch one using thicker material will ultimately work out fine.

One nice item I found during my recent trip to my fabricator was acrylic square rods (in many different sizes). I especially liked these as they were crystal clear on all sides and I think those might work the best for your application of spanning the 26 inches. Just wish I had grabbed a piece of that...next trip out, for now we'll try the slightly thinner material.

Did you test with what you have yet?


Experienced Reefer
Ft Worth, Tx
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No, not yet. I was busy with a few other fun projects today. I'll try to test it out over the weekend as well. I have some 3/8" in the garage.


Barnum Island
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Me Mantis? ..umm..no. Have all the stuff but haven't gotten around to building the replacement one for the 75. I'm still using the original one made with the aluminum edging. It's on my to-do list..way near the bottom. :splitspin
The acrylic/mesh cover I made for the cube is holding up very well even though it sits about 10 " under my MH.

I do have more mesh if you want to try this type cover Mantis..PM me if you want some.

btw..haven't lost a fish since I added these to my tanks and they are 'soft' enough that even if a fish soes jump he just bounces off instead of klonking his noggin on something hard...
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Barnum Island
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Ms. Kathy....i'm starting this project this weekend....what did you cut the acrylic with and can i get all the supplies at HOMEDEPOT.

Well...I didn't quite cut the acrylic myself....I go to a plastics fabricator out in Farmingdale and he cuts it into 3/4" x 48" strips for me. Whatever cutting I do is with a utility knife..I score the thinner stock, and I cut the thicker pieces with a jigsaw..but I'm only cutting across the 3/4" width.

I can tell you that it is possible to cut acrylic neatly - they use as 88 tooth blade on a circular saw. Trick is to move quickly through the material or you melt it...
Lots of places that sell acrylic will also cut it for you-- try looking in the real Yellow Pages to find one by you..look under Plastics Fabrication ..don't count on them being open on Saturday though!!
I also buy my glue at my acrylic place. Don't forget - you need to buy # 3 Weldon to glue the corners and you need the thicker stuff to bond the 2 pieces the netting is sandwiched between (the # 3 will not work there)

--->Learned a trick to keep the Weldon glue from totally evaporating..(been there done that..) He told me to run a bead of silicone around the edge of the lid of the can after you close it :)

And Daisy..in case you're here..I picked up the acrylic today to do the cover for your tank :) (no Jhov, you can't have it...lol)

One last tidbit cause I'm too busy to start another thread..I found out today that my acrylic place carries StarBoard..and that it also comes in black.

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