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Red Mangrove - FS - $1.50/ea - QTY=20

Sale Updates ....

Small Mangrove QTY Left - 8
Large Mangroves QTY Left - 0

Here they are again.....

Hi everyone. I just got my self bunch of Red Mangrove seedlings from a friend. He has them naturally growing in his backyard by the water. So I was able to get few but limited amount. I got about 20 that I can spare. So I am selling them here for $1.50 each.

I work near Grand Central so I can bring them to work if anyone is willing to pickup around there. Or I can meet you in the subway on my way home to brooklyn with the (B) line.

20 $1.50 each RED Mangrove seedling.

Each plant is close to a foot long with 2 leaves. Here's a googled picture.


Some people showed interest in a larger plant so I've also 2 plants that are large size. They are over 2 feet in size with about 4 leaves on them. They are great if you have a high sump or if you want to place them directly in the main tank.

2 --- $3 each RED Mangrove (about 2 feet long).


If people show interest I can have my friend ship more quantity where the price would come down to $1 each.

Here's a link that shows how to keep them float if they are small.


Thanks and let me know if you want.
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Advanced Reefer
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I work near Midwood. What time in AM and PM are you there? I would like the 2 long mangroves at $3.00 each.


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Sale Updates ....

bergerd - 2 long mangroves $3 each = $6
ReeferGoneMad - 2 small @ $1.5 = $3
DonCisco - 2 small @ $1.5 = $3


Small Mangrove QTY Left - 16
Large Mangroves QTY Left - 0


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Sale Updates ....

qckwzrd - 4 small @ $1.5 = $6
GQ22 - 4 small @ $1.5 = $6
bergerd - 2 long @ $3 each = $6
ReeferGoneMad - 2 small @ $1.5 = $3
DonCisco - 2 small @ $1.5 = $3


Small Mangrove QTY Left - 8
Large Mangroves QTY Left - 0
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Tired Member
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im interested in small ones; specifically those without leaves and roots, which i guess are called propagules. the reason being that according to calfo and fenner red mangroves are very specific about salinity; they can live in fresh, salt and brackish but once sprouted cant really be moved between them. if you only have access to sprouted, do you know under what conditions they were sprouted?

I'd be interested in a good amount, all that you have left or even some more, like 10 in all (atleast to begin with; perhaps twice that).

I also live in midwood, on the Q & B line.


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im interested in small ones; specifically those without leaves and roots, which i guess are called propagules. the reason being that according to calfo and fenner red mangroves are very specific about salinity; they can live in fresh, salt and brackish but once sprouted cant really be moved between them. if you only have access to sprouted, do you know under what conditions they were sprouted?

I'd be interested in a good amount, all that you have left or even some more, like 10 in all (atleast to begin with; perhaps twice that).

I also live in midwood, on the Q & B line.

I can probably ask my friend to send me the propagules. Usually people want the larger size this way it's ready to filter. Since mangroves grow very slowly. But I do understand what you mean and while they are propagules, you can leave them floating on your sump as they are in the wild in that stage.

I will contact my friend and lets see if he will be able to get those. Let me know for sure how many you want.


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The small ones are over a foot long?

I might be also interested in the propagules if you can get those. Looking for like 4.


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The small ones are over a foot long?

I might be also interested in the propagules if you can get those. Looking for like 4.

No, I have the seedlings with 2 leaves and little roots. They are from 6 to 8 inches long. If you want I can see if I can get the propagules. They dont usually get them since they still hang on the tree in that stage. But I will ask to see if that can be aquired. In the mean time let me know if you want the seedlings.

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