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I just revived BRS 2-part kits and made my mixes last night. I will do my water test today and do the appropriate additions until my levels are back to normal. My question is after the levels are normal I understand that I need to add equal parts of CaCl and soda ash. but when and how much of the Mg should I add. I read instructions fast last night and I thought it said to add after the other two parts are empty? I'm confused, if someone can enlighten me that would be helpful.

My tank currently has a very low demand, mostly soft corals and a few zoas and mushrooms.



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New Jersey
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Soda Ash is what BRS sells as part of ALK/Ca/Mg dosing kit now.


There is a calculator on BRS site which you can use as a starting point.
I now dose Mg once a week to maintain the levels. You will have to keep checking to see how much you need to add to maintain yours.



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Stalker???? haha

FWIW...your actual water volume is no where near 160g...
if you still have a 125g Reef w/30g sump/refigum ...

Stalker???? :Up_to_som :kidding:

Well although I do still have the 125 and the same refrigum 30g my sump is now a 55g tank. Also dont forget about the extra water volume that comes from the external skimmer that holds ~1.5g the duel reactors that hold ~1g , the external overflow thats got atleast ~1g. With that said you also must subtract the sand volume, the rock, the fish, the crabs, pumps in water........


Saltwater since 1973
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Well although I do still have the 125 and the same refrigum 30g my sump is now a 55g tank... With that said you also must subtract the sand volume, the rock, the fish, the crabs, pumps in water........
Exactly... a 125g reef tank usually holds less than 100g and most sumps are run about 1/2 full, so you're probably still under 140g...
Just pointing this out, if you're calculating 'dosage' volume requirements


Bomb Technician (EOD)
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Soda Ash, is not used by anybody or any company I know of as a single Alk buffer for a two-part. It has a very high pH and twice the Alk of Baking Soda. Most two-parts are about a 5:1 or 6:1 ratio of BS to SA. SA should only be use as buffer if one has a initial low pH and Alk issue. Buffers should not be used to raise pH, 95 % of the time. The initial pH and Alk in the immediate area where it is dosed can/will creat a very high pH and Allk and cause the precip of Calcium carbonate and Magnesium hydroxide.


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Bomb Technician (EOD)
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I'm not saying BRS is not selling SA as a buffer. I'm saying it is not a good idea to use SA as a single buffer unless it is needed. As I said earlier, it has twice the Alk of Baking Soda with a pH of ~ 11.5 vs BS @ ~ 8.3 pH. But if one uses less vs BS it is not much of an issue, for pH or Alk. But the point still remains, "The initial pH and Alk in the immediate area where it is dosed can/will creat a very high pH and Allk and cause the precip of Calcium carbonate and Magnesium hydroxide." If one has high CO2 issues SA is a better choice over BS, but Kalk or Sodium Hydroxide is better. Maybe you guys have not heard but quite a few reefers have had issues with BRS 2-part. In short, SA, is a band-aid for a existing problem that should be solved, almost always CO2 and usually high indoor air CO2.


With that Alk of 8.89 your pH should be 8.3. So, you have some CO2 issues pulling down the pH but not that much to worry about yet.
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Advanced Reefer
Westchester, N.Y
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Boomer, this is interesting. So should I use ESV for raising Alk or BS. If this is a better way. How much BS to make a gallon. How much ml to add if I was dosing 45ml of SA. I see that you said BS is half as strong as SA. I have Kalk only used it when I went on vacation. I don't want to keep using SA if problems will follow. My ph was always a little low.
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It seams you have everyone a lil bit cautius now. lol Up until recently I always dosed with B-ionic 2 part. I always had great results.As you can tell from my tank water test I have been out of two part for some time. Well for my tank, ALk was very low at 3.8 my Ca was high at 500 my PH was about 8.3 and realized when I got home my Mg test kit was empty.

So, should I stop using the SA? What kind of neg effects do you get with SA besides elivated Ph? And is it only localized to the site of dose? I add the 2-part to my sump not the display tank.
What is the mix recipe for BS? Can it be mixed with water in the same fashion to make daily dosing easy using either drip method or pumps?

Is it safe to use the other parts of the BRS 2-part kit?

Thanks for all your input so far boomer.



Bomb Technician (EOD)
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Sorry about that will. Didn't mean to have guys run off the cliff. Mostly my fault. Old saying, if it is not broke don't fix it.

If you guys want to continue with SA, do so but just keep an eye on the Alk. If you have CO2 issues it my help. Also watch to see if it is affecting the Calcium. Personally, I like ESV and know Bob well


Bomb Technician (EOD)
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Yes, you can test for it, two ways.

1. Take 2 liters of tank water, put one near the tank and one out side ( if it is warm enough outside). Aerate the crap out if them with a air pump and air stone, so the water is as if it boiling. Do this for at least 8 hrs and then test the pH. If the pH is higher than the tank pH you have a CO2 issue. That CO2 issue may be a tank issue, a in-door air CO2 issue or combo of both, reason behind the two tests.

2. Use this calculator I had made for me.

Equilibrium pH Calculator

Type in pressure from as a in- door barometer or for close enough just type in 1 ATM. For CO2, type in 390, then Alk - 0.25 dKh, Salinty and temp.

Pressure = 1 ATM
CO2 = 390 ppm
Alk = 8 dKH (Tank alk ) - 0.25 = 7.75
Salinity= 35 ppt
Temp = 80 F

= 8.28 pH ~ a close enough value unless you have a Borate test kit to be more accurate.

If you have anything below that pH it is due to CO2.

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