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Trust me I'll have no one but myself to blame from now on. U do ur thing I'll do mine. I was right all along anyway all this junk is a waste of $$ anyway.


Think about it yourself:

You want to lower phosphates right? to a supposed "perfect" level of .04 or something.

Problem :

You can't test for phosphates accurately in this hobby yet: Hannah fannah banana checkers are useless. Don't care what anyone says they are.

Then u buy a reactor + RowaPhos $150 avg price.

After a week you'll find out your killing your corals with GFO, since again You CANT test phosphtes reliably.

You then place your reactor in the closet to collect dust and your back to square 1. How do I lower phosphates?

Those nice tanks you speak of on this forum have all different parameters. Some way off from what most tell you to keep water params.

Good luck figuring out why some are lucky and have nice tanks an others try to imitate them w similar equipment only to find out its a hit and miss matter of luck.

Or they're not revealing something they do which is also possible since only like 2 people here have nice corals. They keep that a closely guarded secret I guess. When I figure it out ill share what the secret to growing corals is.

Coz it ain't GFO that's for sure.


Advanced Reefer
Bellmore, NY
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I think its a pretty nice tank. Everything pretty much grows, my LPS does give me trouble. I've been running GFO since 6 months in and phosphates have stayed at the 0 to .02 range on the hanna meaning I reliably have a range of .02-.04. I did an experiment and took the gfo off for a month or two to see if my bioload and refugium would process those nutrients and they did not. After a month and a half my phosphates measured .1 which is a significant increase and with the reliable and advertised accuracy of +/-.02ppm you get a range of 1.2 and .08 which is quite measurable and reliable. I think you need to go back to math and chemistry class and learn how standard error works and how to take measurements. If you test regularly and even if its crazy off the hook inaccurate you should still be able to capture a very reliable result. Maybe you can't pinpoint what the exact measure is but you can certainly compare the deltas and see if your on the rise, stable, or dropping. Now if you have bad reagents or a broken kit maybe you get erratic results and you can't trust that but I've always been consistent with both the red sea and hanna testers.

Anyway two plus years of history tracking phosphates and the only time I saw a rise was before i started using gfo and after I stopped for that bit. When I saw .1 i put the gfo back online and after that it went to .04 the first month then .02 the next 3 months and then 0 for the past 3 months.

Seems pretty consistent and in line with my expectations. I'm running the high capacity brs gfo and the last fill was 54 days ago and I'll change it when the meter reads higher than 0. Next test is scheduled for tomorrow and water change sunday. I run my gfo and it works for me.


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Can't measure phosphates don't care what u claim I'm done listening to the same kid. I got all the best equipment in the hobby and havnt had a hint of growth in months on anything. All that chemistry and .04 1.0 talk is nonsense/. Again half the people with nice corals have crazy high or low parameters from the " perfect range" so that doesn't mean anything. Chasing numbers is stupid and so is testing for phosphates. NOTHING can test phosphates reliably don't care what your Hannah box claims. My test kit also says its accurate. Don't believ everything u read.


Advanced Reefer
Bellmore, NY
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You really prove how clueless you are with every post. Keep it up man. I try to be helpful but you got a one track mind. I really hope you're done listening because we're all tired of hearing it from you. You constantly blame everyone else for your failure. If you really think that every hobbyist and every company is here on this forum lying to you, then I really feel sad for you. I'm done on this thread.


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Oh btw my phosphates been at 0 for 2 years lol. Double checked with Hannah checkers and all. Before GFO after GFO in between GFO my phosphates are "0".

But I can tell you from my glass/ lack of growth and occasional algae patches my phosphates aren't 0. Or excuse me -4 or .04 with the " range of accuracy "
More like range of uselessness.


Advanced Reefer
Bellmore, NY
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Exactly my point. Why would you run GFO if you have 0 phosphates. You've always had a high nitrate problem if I recall and that most likely is your issue. So you don't research properly or you don't understand enough, waste all this time, money, effort on lowering phosphates that are clearly low enough, whether you like your results or not. There's always going to be some phosphate present as long as you feed your fish and introduce any kind of food. But algae doesn't just need phosphates to grow. It's nutrients in general and somehow despite all your knowledge wisdom and efforts you haven't solved that problem and you blame everyone and everything else. Get over it. Go reef however way you want, but you don't have to negate every one else's successful experiences. Unless your just that much of a ******.


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Omg obviously I don't have 0 phosphates how many times do I have to tell you YOU CANT TEST FOR PHOSPHATES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But if you see glass gets dirty and corals don't grow and algae blooms wouldn that suggest you have phosphates but you can't detect them AS USUAL because the algae is consuming it.

Just coz you spend $50 on a Hannah, doesn't mean it works. But keep telling yourself that.


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And the only reason I still half way listen to you is coz you have tht 1 sps that grows (supposedly) which is more than I ever accomplished in this hobby. But I suspect it has nothing to do with you keeping a " perfect " phosphates level. using an inaccurate useless testing device non the less.


Advanced Reefer
Bellmore, NY
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I could keep going....

And it may not have to do with my usage of GFO, but it certainly has to do with that, carbon, filter socks, religious water changes, good lighting, good flow, research and work.


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Yep the only " issue " in my tank is Nitrate never drop below 30.

#1. Just yesterday I saw a post HERE with a guy with a sick huge sps mix reef with 100 nitrates!

#2. If you and all these "successful" reefers are so smart you would tell me how to lower nitrates. But you can't nor can anyone else in 2 years of posting here.

#3. If that was really my problem then how do u explain 100 nitrates in a successful reef? You can't and don't try

#4 you are all as clueless as I am, you just have better luck. No evidence to support any claim you make.

I bought all equipment you " experts " recommend and still have no growth in corals. ( except for the utter chaos tht are weeds ). Goes to show you the only "advice" people give is : BUY MORE STUFF!

Have a good day.


Advanced Reefer
Bellmore, NY
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What you fail to realize is that overall keeping coral is not a hobby like bee keeping where its been going on for hundreds of years. Its only like 30 years old and we are still learning, thus sharing experiences is the only way to learn. What you do is not learning or sharing its called complaining.

As far as 100 nitrates. Its possible. There are many theories on why and mostly involve high nutrient import and export.

I've discussed with you a few methods of lowering nitrates in the past and you seem to be interested in your own way regardless of different options. So whatever I would tell you would continue to be useless. Nitrates are a challenge for sure and there are many ways of tackling them, but you want to blame the industry and other hobbyists from keeping secrets from you...ok fine. We're all keeping the magic sauce from you. I have a magic additive that makes my reef nice. It's expensive though so you'll probably say that its a lie and doesn't work. Let me know if you want to buy some...it comes with a bridge btw.


Pro hobby anti profit!
Staten Island ny
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My coral growth is actually very apparent and I don't test anything ! I really just change carbon and gfo on the 1st of every month and a weekly 5gal water change and a fuge stuffed with chaeto ..... These are my measures for tank service and I gave up testing water 2 yrs ago ! It drove me nuts ! .


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Various methods of lowering nitrates you suggested? Lol like what? Other than a Coil there's nothing out there. And I'm not building/buying a coil.

As you said were all just learning and what I've learned is : stay away from zoa,chalices and SPS and you'll be a happy reefer.

Otherwise prepare to spend thousands to get nowhere.


Advanced Reefer
Bellmore, NY
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The recommendation I made was not for a sulfur based coil denitrator. Proves you either don't or can't read. But yes sulfur is one way, this was completely different

We discussed vodka/vinegar which for some reason doesn't work for you.

You claim that your skimmer doesn't skim and I'm sure you've voiced your opinion on biopellets somewhere. You're just a huge anomaly.

Really nothing else to say here...


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Nope I still got about 30 corals just none of the impossible to keep type (At least for me with my top of the line salt and equipment) . I knew i should of gotten the cheap stuff. Next time.

I'm not even kidding the best results I ever had were on my nano 8 gallon with a $30 led and weekly WC. No equipment pads filters coils controllers reactors skimmers ATO's dosers wireless wave makers. All a WASTE of $$$$! Is what I learned. Keep is simple snoop


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My skimmer skims just fine btw. Is the only useful piece of equipment I would ever recommend to anyone.


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What's an anomaly is that my anemone is doing just fine and "experts" always claimed it was sensitive to bla bla bla and the lights needed to be bla bla bla.

This whole hobby is nothing but one big contradiction after another. Might as well ask my dog for advice.

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