I have Monti digi and red mushrooms growing on my glass.
check my avatar pic.. i had the huge cap hanging on the back right using one of those magnets
thats a frogspawn.. they both outgrew my nano--i got rid of both. i kept 2 heads of the frogspawn.
great thanks....will have to get some of these. would love to see pics of what everyone is doing with there's.
Awsome I have have one of those rock mags also I love it gives the tank dimension ....I have gsp all over my back glass I like it cause with a wavemaker it sways back and forth
In the same idea as the GSP, I have pipe organ growing on my side and back walls. I didn't have any coraline on the glass. All i did was put a rock in the corner and it grew to the sides. I'll try to post a pic.
you can see it in the bottom right hand corner. This pic is from a while ago. the coral is now almost to the top
I don't think you want that. I wouldn't put any of these in my tank period. They can take over the tank fairly quickly.xenias and blue star polips will spread easy on the back glass
How about a monti cap or a Efflo Plate.
I don't think you want that. I wouldn't put any of these in my tank period. They can take over the tank fairly quickly.