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Pros & cons?

Settled into our new house and based on layout and furniture a cylinder tank is likely the best fit. The space has high ceilings and tank will be in the corner so not able to walk around it completely but because of a window square or corner tank doesn’t really work.

I want to be min 100g but would prefer to be 120g+. Any suggestions?


The All Powerful OZ
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The Big City
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If you look in the For Sale forum someone not too long ago had a good size cylinder tank for sale.

I think the major issue is cleaning the glass, as you will most need to use brushes to clean it as I'm not sure magnets would be a good thing. Since the tank is high you're also going to need a ladder to be able to get into the tank. The filtration is either going to be under the tank, or down to a basement, but the overflow is right in the middle of the tank, so any fish that goes into it will be an issue to get out, you're probably are going to need to pull the pipes to get it out. Any maintenance to the overflow will be hardier than a regular tank, which is in the back or the side.


The All Powerful OZ
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The Big City
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Here is the link to the tank

This is a very tall tank, but the overflow is in the back, so it's easier than it being in the middle, but this one is very high.


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Nice! Sent him a text will see.

Would like glass ideally but will consider anything. I like the aquavim cylinders or 3/4.

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