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Queens, NY
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Anyone try mixing these guys, like we mix zebrasomas? (We all have or have had, the one sailfin, yellow and a purple tang combo and it works).

Like a Kole (strigosus) , flavicauda (white tail) or a tommy tang (red fins), look like they have very different color patterns.
A kole and an striatus (striped) tang are probably too similar and not worth trying.
A kole and square tailed truncatus have very different patterns, stripes versus dots, but they both have yellow eye rings and the same color pattern, also probably too similar.
But what about a kole and a binotatus (blue-eye)? An adult blue eye tang sort of looks similar to the Kole, but if its got it juvenile colors, perhaps it can change without the Kole noticing?
The Hawaiian chervron definitely looks different, but like the blue-eye. the adult is striped and probably also too similar to the kole and striatus.

I looked up the Kole's niche on the fishing websites, and even though they look like they hang out in schools over the reefs, they are not schooling fish and are simply all concentrated over their food supply, so I don't think a group of Kole's are a good idea. Only once have I seen more than one bristle mouth tank per tank, but that group of Koles looked like they were not getting along in the shop. Aside from that I've never seen any shops stock more than 1 per tank.


The All Powerful OZ
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The Big City
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Some of them are very aggressive, especially against their own kind or similar ones. There is a very good chance that they will fight and one will probably kill the other, especially if it has been in the tank for a long time. If your tank is very large you maybe be able to get away with it if you use a holding box when you put the other one in the tank. I seen most of the fighting is usually in the beginning, after a while they usually will settle in, if one hasn't been killed.

I have an Orange Stripe Tang and he goes after all my fish when they're first introduced, but if I use a box before I let them lose in the tank, he usually doesn't bother them. This has worked went I put in a white tail tang and some similar smaller tangs.

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