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Since I need to add a bit of rock to my new tank (the rocks from my nano are for the most part in my sump, but a lot of things got wiped, like the mini clams and a lot of cool looking worms), I have decided to get some live rock. Not the dry stuff, or the stuff that's called "Real Live Rock [TM]". But actual rock that comes from the sea.

Originally I had Bali-Alor, but obviously that's not available anymore.

Looking at what's available from Florida, I see:
- KP Aquatics
- Gulf Live Rock
- Live Rock n Reef
- Tampa Bay Saltwater

I've seen messages on the forum regarding some people selling some of their old stock. But I am interested in "fresh from the ocean" as I want diversity (pests I already have in the form of Aiptasia and vermetid snails... so in fact a mantis would be welcome).

Has anyone ordered recently from any of these, and has an opinion about their order? I am only interested in what they all call "premium" packages: shipped overnight in water.


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I used TBS in 2020 shipped in water to airport and was happy with what I received. Couple mantis and guerrilla crabs but if you want real live rock from the ocean you should expect it and be prepared to catch them. I think they stopped shipping until April though bc of rough winter water making it a challenge to collect. Some pics they just posts on a different forum of fresh harvested rock.


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I used TBS in 2020 shipped in water to airport and was happy with what I received. Couple mantis and guerrilla crabs but if you want real live rock from the ocean you should expect it and be prepared to catch them. I think they stopped shipping until April though bc of rough winter water making it a challenge to collect. Some pics they just posts on a different forum of fresh harvested rock.
Thanks for your feedback. These do look great!


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I started my tank with Australian rock. You get a lot of volume for the weight due to the branching cluster shapes. If you cure it for a 4-6 weeks from the initial shipping die off, your tank is ready to go from day 1. Pristine Marine sells it locally.


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I started my tank with Australian rock. You get a lot of volume for the weight due to the branching cluster shapes. If you cure it for a 4-6 weeks from the initial shipping die off, your tank is ready to go from day 1. Pristine Marine sells it locally.
Thank you. Do you know if their source is the same as Unique Corals? They look very similar (branching and tons of spots of coraline?) As a reference: https://uniquecorals.com/collections/live-rock

I have some of the UC one, and it is indeed beautiful. But no critters on it


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Thank you. Do you know if their source is the same as Unique Corals? They look very similar (branching and tons of spots of coraline?) As a reference: https://uniquecorals.com/collections/live-rock

I have some of the UC one, and it is indeed beautiful. But no critters on it

No idea the source but looks like the same rock. No critters or pests on the Australian rock. I got 100lbs, only had some coraline and calcarious algae. This is after I cured it for a couple of months.


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in the coral sea...
Union Square, NY
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Please make sure you dispose of caulerpa properly. You should put it in a plastic bag and leave it in the freezer overnight. Do not flush it down the toilet. Caulerpa taxifolia is an invasive species.



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Please make sure you dispose of caulerpa properly. You should put it in a plastic bag and leave it in the freezer overnight. Do not flush it down the toilet. Caulerpa taxifolia is an invasive species.

Always did that with Caulerpa, and even with Chaeto or any other macro.
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Please make sure you dispose of caulerpa properly. You should put it in a plastic bag and leave it in the freezer overnight. Do not flush it down the toilet. Caulerpa taxifolia is an invasive species.

Cool article!


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yo! it would be cool if some reefers wanted to crowd source and pool up for a decent size order from a place like TBS or something

could save some $$$ and get some real premo rock


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Thanks folks! As I need about 20 pounds, I think I'll order some from KP Aquatics (based on look, very similar to my original Bali Alor if the pictures I've seen are accurate) and then either TBS or Gulf based on life that comes on it. The premium stuff in both cases since the goal is to bring back some hitchikers.


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So in the end I got 10 pounds from Gulf Live Rock (their premium deco), and 10 pounds from KP Aquatics (the base rock, as the premium one sold out each time they had it before I had time to order, that was under 2 hours after getting the email)

Note that I ordered in March/April, which is still the winter time, so as a result if I had waited more (summer) the number of non-sessile animals would probably have been greater.

Gulf Live Rock
- The rock came in a plastic bag, sealed, with a piece of paper towel, I assume that was to keep the humidity? The pieces were all together
- Coraline is very pretty, pink, purple, dark red
- I got two corals: Porites sp. and a rose coral (on the same rock as the dead one you see in the picture, that's why it is important to very carefully inspect!)
- Some cool looking orange sponges popped later and are still alive
- There was a piece of gorgonian which did not make it
- A big piece of sponge (Haliclona?)
- Some macro algae, two red species, some Halimeda, and a green one that I have yet to identify
- In terms of non-sessile invertebrates: a couple of striped serpent sea stars, and some worms of all kinds
- A little herbivore snail with his shell covered in coraline.
- A little clam and some filter feeder worms
- In terms of shapes. Some are "ok" (flatish with some texture) but a couple are clearly boulders with a thin layer of coral/coraline. As a matter of fact I decided to remove the rose coral from its rock and reattach it, so after using a chisel, this is what I saw. I'll let you judge...

KP Aquatics
First thing about them is: great communication from both Kara and Philipp (before and after ordering)
Now they are victims of their success, so getting the shipped in water Premium Aquacultured live rock proved impossible. But from what I understand, the difference between this one and the Base Rock I got was the time it was left in the ocean.
The rocks came in a single plastic bag, but each was individually wrapped in paper.
- Lots of coraline of all colors. Even underneath one part which has a flat (human cut) side.
- I've received them only a couple of days ago, so no macro algae growth yet
- It has some nice bright encrusting red sponges, and an orange colonial tunicate which I hope makes it
- Some filter feeding worms.
- When it comes to non-sessile invertebrates, I found 2 gorilla crabs, and a dead pistol shrimp (I secretly hoped for a live mantis). Very easy to get out as they were out and about when I unwrapped.
- The rocks are very similar to the "Key largo premium" from Marco: expected since I believe they have the same origin: so very porous, and interesting shapes with natural nooks and crannies.


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Well and look at that... now Marco Rocks now dump some of they dry rocks in the Florida Keys, let it get seeded for some years, and deliver it wet to your door.

That's good news since the demand is clearly there, and till now far outweighed the supply.

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