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New Rochelle
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Don't know if it's complete yet, but I understand Louie sold and it's under new management... I met the new owner and he is very nice. Lots of good deals now durring the transition. Store is almost empty. I understand that the guys that own the Florida Jaws is taking over. They also may want to be come vendors of MR. More to come as soon as I find out more. I work in White Plains and will stop by often...
New Rochelle
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Don't know if it's complete yet, but I understand Louie sold and it's under new management... I met the new owner and he is very nice. Lots of good deals now durring the transition. Store is almost empty. I understand that the guys that own the Florida Jaws is taking over. They also may want to be come vendors of MR. More to come as soon as I find out more. I work in White Plains and will stop by often...

I spoke with Harjin. His brother Maurice will be controlling the day to day. Harjin I understand will stay at the Florida location most of the time.
New Rochelle
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Got this guy (Labout's Fairy Wrasse ) for 80.00 from jaws II. I assume that's good as Live Aqueria has it for 150.00 he is about 4" (Just pulled the picture from google as I can not take a good picture)


aside from that, got a 5" swallowtail angelfish for 40.00 and a lawnmower blenny for 20.00
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New Rochelle
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How is the service?

The guy was nice... That's all I can say as that was our first meeting. Time will tell. I don't think the store (any store) could ever do better on price for supplies than Jim and Russ... or even coral. But I can honestly say that I have NEVER lost a fish I got from that store. I don't know what Louie did to the fish or where he got them from but they were always in great shape. If the new guy can lower (and continue to post) the prices and the fish are the same quality, and he is better to work with, all will be good by me.
New Rochelle
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Louie always medicatred his new fish and would move them fome the med. side of the store to the other.

Would that be considered a bad thing? If not, why don't all do the same? My best example is a flame angel I got from Louie in 2002. Other Flame Angels I got before from other stores died in 3 or so months.

I am moving off topic a little, but since I started the thread, I have no one to be upset with but myself...:splitspin

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