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Hahaha wow really? Sorry but I had to lol. They would consume the same amount of power. That is like asking if a pound of feathers or a pound of steel which is heavier.


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question does a 144 watt LED light fixture consume less or same energy as any other power compact or meta halide of 144 watt light fixture?

any input will be apreciated

Every light fix. have Pro and Cons. depend of you budget ($) depend what you try to keep or grow, MH great lights , but lots of heat, T5 same great , but like MH , you have to change every year, cheep LEDs light fix. very aggressive, you may burn everything (include SPS) if you try to save $ on electrical bill , i will suggests a light fix. AI (good LED fix.) List that my opinion.


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Same energy use, but more of the electricity is converted to light because LEDs are more efficient. I think another way to look at is that you can give your corals the same amount of photosynthetic light for less electricity, so 100watts of LEDS may be as good as 300 watts of MH (I'm making that number up, but it's something like that).


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Same energy use, but more of the electricity is converted to light because LEDs are more efficient. I think another way to look at is that you can give your corals the same amount of photosynthetic light for less electricity, so 100watts of LEDS may be as good as 300 watts of MH (I'm making that number up, but it's something like that).

You right, just to add some, NOT only the "amount of photosynthetic" i think is the "right photosynthetic" for Corals, most of cheep LEDs Light Fix. bleach corals and encourage the bad Algae grow, one good LED light i think will be Aqua Illumination. If you try LEDs.

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