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Long Island
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I went to the LFS today in hopes of getting a goby but no dice nothing caught my eye.

I did however pick up some Kent chemicals to start dosing the tank with. I didn't plan on dosing the tank because after reading many people have healthy reef tanks without dosing but they have this "Part A and Part B" box that comes with 2 bottles now that looked interesting. For $10 you get both bottles and Part A contains calcium, magnesium, iron and "many other important elements." Part B contains an ionically ballanced buffer for Part A that increases alkalinity and maintains the pH.

I also picked up and Aquastik to take my frags off their plugs. They corals look amazing but I know once they are taken off the plugs and are flush with the rock they'll look that much better right now they look like they're are sitting on a pedastool on the live rock lol.

Any advice on taking them off the plugs? I heard soft corals will simply slide off but I'm nervous to do my first one.


Advanced Reefer
Long Island
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so I was getting a good amount of diatom algae on the sand behind my live rock and on my live rock. stirred the sand the other day but it's back in full force today and it brought some bubbles this time...

I heard crabs will help but I'm afraid crabs will not play nice with my frags...any suggestions? The tank is on it's 5th week so the diatom algae is normal but I'm concerned about the bubbles I'm now seeing. I stole this picture from a fellow member who was having a similar problem.



Seahorses yea!
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I'd just do a water change. Suck it up with the siphon. It'll happen.

Which powerhead do you have.?
My new koralia nano seemed to fix it.
No more dead spots.

Oh and don't do crabs. Theyre evil.



Advanced Reefer
Long Island
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thanks....I figured as the diatom algae disappears the bubbles will as well but as a new reefer every little thing freaks me out haha. My uncles 180 got taken over by bubble algae and in the end got him to quit the hobby all together so needless to say I'm concerned.


Advanced Reefer
Long Island
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thanks...I woke up this morning and they were gone! I think I understand what you mean. When you set up a new tank and there are air pockets could this be causing the bubbles? I got as many as I could out but naturally some still exist.


Advanced Reefer
Long Island
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Got myself a new frag and some new snails. I needed something to get the sand stirred because stuff was caking up on the top of it so I got 5 smaller tonga nassarius snails. I then figured hey I'm here lemme get another coral :)

Picked up a nice size goniopora for $40. Probably not the best coral for a novice and I know they don't live long but I fell in love with it. The coral is still closed up tight along with my other frags since I just had my hands in the tank but here are a couple quick pictures...I'll post more tomorrow when it opens up or maybe later tonight.








Advanced Reefer
Long Island
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anddddd after some searching on Google I found out what was growing on my live rock and in random places in my tank...vermetid snails. They are so ugly looking but I heard they are not really dangerous to the tank but they look like ass and I want them gone!

Where do these things come from in the first place?


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I found out I had a bunch of vermatid snails too. I read that they just filter feed by sending out there tentacles/webbing and aren't really detrimental to the tank. Except their "webbing" can irritate nearby coral.

I noticed one one day and then started noticing them all over my rocks. I actually just crush them with my fingernail everytime I see them now. They bother my coral


Advanced Reefer
Long Island
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thanks...the edge is a pain in the ass to work on to say the least so getting rid of these things will be the death of me. goniopora is still closed up if it doesn't open up by tomorrow I'm gonna try a different spot for it. Currently under cover from a large rock so it's under low current medium light.


Advanced Reefer
Long Island, NY
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I hate to say it but gonipora may not have been a good option.
I too bought one. I have had it for about 2.5 months. At first, I had it on the right side of my tank and it opened up fully but after a few days it closed up and didn't reopen for a few days. I moved it to the middle directly under the light and after a day it opened up fully.
It was good for about a month but noticed half of it closed the past two days. All parameters are normal.

I have read that these corals, for no apparent reason, slowly decline in tanks. Even members on here say they have not been able to keep them for long.
It does like high lighting though, at least for me it did.

Good luck.


Advanced Reefer
Queens, NY
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I hate to say it but gonipora may not have been a good option.
I too bought one. I have had it for about 2.5 months. At first, I had it on the right side of my tank and it opened up fully but after a few days it closed up and didn't reopen for a few days. I moved it to the middle directly under the light and after a day it opened up fully.
It was good for about a month but noticed half of it closed the past two days. All parameters are normal.

I have read that these corals, for no apparent reason, slowly decline in tanks. Even members on here say they have not been able to keep them for long.
It does like high lighting though, at least for me it did.

Good luck.

+1 on that. I made a n00b mistake of buying one before researching. It looked awesome in the LFS frag tank, fully opened. It only opens sometimes now.

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