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Hey everyone. New to the boards and i descided on saying hello and showing my tank. Pictures below =0)

I started the beginning of summer with a 55g cichlid tank. Had the tank lying around in the basement from a freshwater discus tank i had for about 2 years that was emptied after my move, and didn;t have the time to take care of properly (yes all the fish found good homes :cheers:)

Unfortunately, that was only the beginning of my addiction. I descided about 2 months ago to start a reef tank, which was what the cichlid tank was supposed to be in the first place but the weight of the cash i would have to drop to get one going in my 55 with no equipment prevented me from going that route. Anyways, i finally gave in and got myself a 24g nano because i had no room for another 50+g tank i was looking for, Along with the fear of my floor collapsing and my girlfriend already yelling that one fishtank was enough.

anyways the tank is up and running 5 weeks and a few days and doing great. all the levels are perfect (although something is eating my Calcium, it dropped from 430 to 390 these past few days since i started to add livestock).

amm and trites are at 0 trates at 10 or less
Temp 78
alk 3.5
phos 0
calc 390-410

Tank is jbj 24g with stock lighting i am goign to soon be upgrading, and running it skimmerless for now. Have the fussion skimmer which is a pos and requires too much work and placement daily to get working properly, and even when it does work properly i have millions of micro bubbles all over the tank.

anyways here are the pics! And sorry about the bad camera work. still trying to learn how to use it. Glass keeps messing with my zooms.


Here's one without the flash. yes i know i need better lights

My new flame coral!.... wait a sec.. think everything in this tank is new.. sigh

Sand or stone polyps, forgot what they are.

my red mushroom, which is probably the most its opened since it came into the tank. Can't find a spot with the perfect flow for him, little current flows by him and he closes up. Had him on the bottom and in crevices and everything but he doesn't want to open anymore than that. Its the best spot i found for him.

Yellow polyps with a growth of zoo's i picked up.

Anyways Everything in the tank is doing great except the mushroom, which i wish was doing better.

Oh and one more thing, i found this on a recent piece of LR i picked up and don;t know what it is. Its red and looks a little bit like fire coral i seen when i went snorkling in Puerto rico but alot more red. It was covered by a crust which is slowly coming off. and i have a pink piece of that on another rock. the pink piece turned white when i rubbed it by mistake but grew back to beeing pink a week or two after it was rubbed.


anyways goign to be adding some more coral soon, planning on a pulsing xenia once i find one small enough and some green star polyps if i can find a small enough mat of them.



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oh quick question since noone knows what this is, they are about the size of a eraser head, ones a little bigger. Was on a rock with some stone/sand polyps i got, and the guy at the LFS said they look like some kinda polyps but they look a little like baby majano's to me but i am a newbie at SWF (had one that almost killed my yellow polyps and zoo's, good thing i cought it before it got to em). They haven;t moved and i have three of them.




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Hey Welcome to MR!
My first saltwater tank was a NC too :)

I'm concerned something in your tank tho.
What kind of heater are you using? It looks like a plastic one but I'm not 100% sure. I noticed in the 5th pic, at the tip of the heater there is some brown stuff. Just want to make sure that its some sort of algae and not rust. If it's rust, get it out of your tank ASAP!


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Thanks for all the Welcomes!

Its a plastic stealth heater all black to hide against the black back of the nano. And the brown stuff is algae i gotto clean up. forgot to move the heater last time i cleaned the glass.

and thanks for the info on the majano! gonna start nuking them later tonight.


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tank pics 043b.jpgGreat first post.

Could it be a rock anemone? I have 2 and they seem harmless so far. In fact, my polyps are crowding them out.
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Just got myself some Lettuce nudi's and a Green rico!! Gonna post pics once the rico opens up!

Btw lettuce nudi's are so cool! not the most rare but cool none the less.

BTW. going to take a picture of my mushroom. its not doing good. Can't figure out whats wrong with it. There is some slime strand that keeps coming out from underneath it that makes it shrivel. also noticed a purple-ish mound underneath it. Looks the same color as the base of the shroom but it hasn;t grown in the 2+ weeks i had the shroom. If its a problem i think i might try to get the shroom off the small rock its on and place it on another that i know its clean. Its been in a few places on my rock formation, thought placement was the issue, but thats not the case.


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Update on my nano!

found a good price on a green ricordea from a FS in jersey on a ride through(forgot the name) store wasn't too nice and felt bad for the guy.


And when he closed up at night i found a baby one underneath him!!


Some zoo's i got also for 5$. Blue with a purple rim. nothing bright but nice. came with two baby feather dusters which grew alot since i put them in.


Whole tank shot. Tell me if placing is looking good on the ricordea. he seems to be happy there. Also got a flame angel off a friend who wanted to part with it for other fish in his fish only. And picked up a domino damsel from a LFS and a scooter blenny. =0)



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$5 for blue zoos? Thats a super sweet deal you got there!

Btw, what are you feeding your flame angel?


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friend told me flake and my fozen mysis would work. but he hasn't really eaten yet. the domino is all over anything i put in there. Dunno about the scooter blenny. he isn;t really eating (not that food lays on the ground for too long)

Any thoughts on the scooter and flame for what is should be feeding them?

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