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Experienced Reefer
Asutin, TX
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And so it begins . . .


Experienced Reefer
Asutin, TX
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Making a big hole in a perfectly good tank.

I'm setting this system up with a low profile drain offset to one side away from from the back. Since it won't have a side to attach it to to keep it in place and a lot of rock setting on top of it, I'm adding a second sheet of glass on the bottom to add additional strength to the bottom.

I prefer to start by making a wood template or jig. Jigs will keep the bit in place and stop it from "walking". If drilling multiple holes a jig helps keep all the holes aligned also. The diamond bit works just as well with wood as glass (no water is required to cool it 😁


Sometimes I'll use clamps (use wood on both sides of glass to protect it) but most of the time I use weights to hold a jig in place while drilling.


Glass with hole.


Silicone and setting the reinforcing piece in place. After it set up a few days I went around the edge with more silicone.


Drilling out the bottom. To keep the bit cool I added about 1/2" of water. The tank is stitting on a hydraluc cart, to help keep the bit from chipping when the bit broke through I placed several layers of cardboard compressed under the location of the hole. The cardboard also helped keep water draining out to a minimum after the hole was completed.


Checking to make sure I drilled the right size hole. 😄



Experienced Reefer
Asutin, TX
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With new setups I like to do a rough sketch of the aquascaping and general layout. There's a few considerations I use. One is how it's going to be seen when a person first walks into a room. Fish and corals will attract an observer but how can the rockwork be structured to help creat a sense of mystery and draw the observer closer. I always use the "rule of thirds" to set a major focal point(s). Always try to create as much depth as possible, besides avoiding a 2 dimensional look this can be used to emphasize "show" animals. What are the initial animals being added and how are they likely going to spread. Because a final list of animals is never really achieved and there is a wide range of lighitng requirements how can variations in the rockwork and lighting help maximize a wide range of lighting conditions without needing to alter or change settings and avoiding the potential problems associated with established corals having to acclimate to new conditions.

For this system the entry door is on the opposite diagonal corner from the tank. So I started with the rule of thirds putting the overflow about 1/3rd from the end of the tank farthest from the entrance and roughly 1/3 from the back wall but AND because I like to keep drain lines as straight and simple as possible the location of the sump under it was taken into consideration. The rock wall hiding the over flow, arch and rock against the center back is roughly at a right angle to the observer when they first enter the room so from the get go the main rock structure will dominate the veiw even without corals covering it. There will be a table in the center of the room so the most direct path to the tank will be along the left side of room. This will keep the BTA island generally in the forefront and not off to the side if walking down the right side of the table. This layout will also partially hide the rock structure in the back right corner inititially but completely hide it from view as an observer approaches from the left side, hopefully, drawing them across to the right side. To help add to the sense of discovery my thought is to have some high light, low profile corals on the sand behind the BTAs that won't come into full view until some one is standing in front of the system (that these will be about a third from the end is intentional and once the system has matured will be one of the three major focal points along with the corals infront of the overflow and BTAs). I intend to keep the back wall behind the BTAs clear to help give a sense of depth. However, the wall behind the overflow I hope to encourage encrusting corals. The lights are being mounted in the canopy asymetrically to conform to aquascaping and also to provide a wide range of lighting conditions.

The lights are Popbloom T-50 and are 60 watts per fixture. One feature I like about them is they use reflectors and not polycarbonate lenses which can brown out overtime. Another is they don't have fans which can be a bit of a hassle to replace when they fail. They come with thier own controllers and will be configured to have 3 controllers each running two fixtures (redundancy). The overall light period will be 12 hours with all the fixtures at the maximum settings chosen for 6 hours.

Abby's 260 Layout.png

Abby's 260 Room.png


Experienced Reefer
Asutin, TX
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Lights . . .

Near as I can remember the first time the idea of angling lights came up was in a conversation with the admin of the local reef club around 2011 or 2012. One advantage is it reduces the light hitting the front of the glass so reduces one variable that promotes algae growing on glass. Another plus is it lights up the front of aquascaping better. For this system with a fairly low canopy giving only 6" of space, a low profile light without fans was a necessary decision and angling them towards the back was kinda an obvious choice. Since the fixtures have a T-slot mounting at an angle was pretty straight forward by cutting a wedge out of wood and installing T-slot bolts.

The wedges were cut at a 20° angle. Reasoning is it's about half the angle, around 40° - 45°, where most of the light hitting the water surface gets reflected. I was planning on epoxing the T-bolts but realized when I could barely pull one out testing it that just a little paint on the end was all they'd need to stay in place.


To help hold the fixtures in place but still be easy to remove if needed I found some thin magnets that would fit the T-slots and not block the T-bolts. The locations of the fixtures and t-bolts were aligned and marked. The the magnets were glued in place with some JB Weld.


Checking the layout of the fixtures.


Once I was satisfied with the fixture locations wire runs were laid out and cable ties were mounted to keep them from hanging in the water. Brackets were made to hold the controllers so if adjustments are needed they will be easy to access.

(For the record, I am not a fan of changing lighting settings once they've been decided on, Corals adjust thier photobiology to the available lighting. Constantly changing the lighting and forcing them to adjust their photobiology is an additional source of stress and it can take weeks to months to years for corals to acclimate. Many hardy aquarium adapted varieties may not be put out much with big changes, but many of the corals for sale with fancy or exceptionally bright or unusual combinations of colors do require very specific settings. Arbitrarily making changes without knowing what a coral wants ends up in frustration more often than not.)

I did want a fan to move air so I built a box to hold a 120mm "muffin" fan. The fan can be slid in place and will be easy to replace it when it fails The bracket that holds it angles it to blow diagonally to the opposite corner and has athe intake on the back side to minimize any salt spray getting into the fan.



Experienced Reefer
Asutin, TX
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Besides a bunch od local holey limestone rock I've got being seeded in a QT system with established rock, I got 20 pounds of rubble that will go in the sump, 20 lbs of base rock and 40 lbs of premium from Tampa Bay. Lots of cool stuff and of course hitchhikers. Hitchhikers included lots of really cool stuff, of note there were quite a few tiny porcelain crabs which could be very quick when they wanted to be. Not so good were some whelk snails (easy to pick off), what looked like one tiny, tiny gorilla crab which went into one of my holding tanks to see what it grows up to be. Questionable is a zebra flatworm, Stylochus zebra, as it's commensual with the hermit crab Pagurus pollicaris and shares the hermits shell it seems to me to be much more a scavenger feeding off leftovers from the hermits meal than a predator of some kind. So all the rock is in a tub right now with lights and an air line for circulation.



This is the rubble rock, that should work really well on the bottom of the unlit 40 gallon sump with some sand.


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