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Bay Ridge, BK
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Hi everyone, I've been lurking for a couple of days here and decided to post to introduce myself. My name is James and I'm a 29 year old middle school English teacher who lives in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn.

I started my first reeftank (nano, 10 gallon) back in 2000 and upgraded to a 26 gallon bowfront in 2002. I used to live in Albany (for college) and was active in the reefing community there, helped set up a big 300 gallon tank at RPI along with some guys I met over on Reefcentral. Over the years, I traded frags (just some pulsing xena, shrooms and frogspawn) and even participated in the first ever mushrooms by mail experiment on reefcentral (where people sent mushrooms in 35mm film canisters over priority mail all over the country) which was awesome. I always kept softies and LPS(open brain, frogspawn). Nothing major.

In 2005, I graduated with my masters and decided I needed to travel and experience the world. I bought a 1-way ticket to Central America (cheap) and traveled for almost 9 months , ending up on another continent in Bolivia by the time I bought the return ticket home. I had my tank at a friend's petstore and when I got home, my tank and lighting system were gone along with the store. Apparently he went out of business. I tried but could not get in touch with him. He wasn't a bad guy and am thinking if I can get in touch with him, I will find out what happened. It's been years since I tried, I think I will try again. Anyway, I've been out of the hobby since 2006 and am ready to jump back in.

I'm going to start one of those 28 gallon nano-cubes. I got the basic CF lighting-hood with a stand for $250. It arrives on Friday and that is the day I will get my LR and LS and start the cycle. I can't wait. Sorry if this was long but if anything I am thorough. I don't profess to know everything and am constantly learning and asking questions. I see that much has changed in the past 4 years. Aussie corals are really popular and people now dose with VODKA :thrash: not to mention all the new gadgets, powerheads and tons of other stuff I am sure I havn't seen yet. Yet I know that the fundamentals never change; patience, regular water changes, smart animal selection. I am a bit overwhelmed by the shear size and depth of Reefcentral and found this site so I decided to hop on over and test the waters (because we all know NYers are the best). If you have any advice or comments I'd love to hear. See you on the "manhattanreef!" :tongueani

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Bay Ridge, BK
Rating - 100%
112   0   0
Thanks for the advice. I will look into that for sure. :) I was also thinking of turning where the bioballs are supposed to go... I know I am not going to be using those things) into a little refugium for some nice greens) any advice on that?


Advanced Reefer
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You said it right...I would suggest velcro-ing a small light to the back chamber(assuming it is clear glass)...you can look at my 34 thread, I had a similiar setup to what you are describing, and it worked well.
Brooklyn, NY
Rating - 97.4%
74   2   0
Welcome to MR. We can certainly use a few more English teachers around here :biggrin: (FYI I run the Writing center at Pratt). Sounds like you are off to an excellent re-entry into the hobby. I hope you can make it to the frag swap as it seems your system will be primed and ready to go by then. The events are super fun and a great way to meet folks and integrate yourself into the community. There is also a TON of amazing livestock available. Hope to see you there.



Bay Ridge, BK
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I was actually just reading the volunteer thread. I was thinking of volunteering to help out and to get to know some of you fine folks. I love this hobby and have really been missing it. Hopefully I will see some of you at the swap. ( I am thinking my tank will be ready right around then barring any unforeseeable problems)

How do you get your RO/DI water? Anyone in Bay Ridge with a nice big unit ;) My old setup in Albany had easy access to RO/DI water, but I am in a small apt with an even smaller kitchen and don't have permission from my wife to set up a unit. :irked:

Brooklyn, NY
Rating - 97.4%
74   2   0
If you want a chance to get to know some of the members and vendors a little bit, I'd suggest volunteering the night before the event as we need the help, but it is not as hectic as the morning of, and we often go out afterwards. If you want people to love you from the outset, volunteer for clean up afterwards :)


Bay Ridge, BK
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I was debating which would be more helpful, let me know what you think is most beneficial to the event, Saturday night or Sunday night? I am open to whichever. I could even rope my wife to come along if I ask nicely. I am really trying to get her into the hobby. We met when I was on a diving trip to Central America (I taught her to swim and then snorkel, but no diving yet). I figure if she loves the tank It will be easier to justify spending $ on corals. i took her to a LFS and she was shocked to see the prices. Forget about mentioning live rock! :lol: When I was single it was easy to keep a tank and do what I wanted with it... now, i don't foresee the same ease.


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