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Bomb Technician (EOD)
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At the 2010 MACNA Tony Vargas showed of his new book The Coral Reef Aquarium, which will be released soon and is a "Must Have " book". Even without his skillful writing skills, just the diagrams, figures and photos are worth their weight in gold. The book is being published by Julian Sprung of Two Little Fishes as part of his Oceanographic Series. The Preface is by Charles Delbeek, the co-author with Julian of their 3 vol book series The Reef Aquarium. The Foreword is by Dr. Sanjay Joshi, Professor Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering at Penn State University, who is well know in this hobby for his lighting articles.

Table of Contents

Introduction 1
Factors & Considerations 11
Decision Process 19
The Fundamentals 47
Maintenance 63
Acclimation & Quarantine 79
25-Gallon Nano Reef System 95
90-Gallon Reef System 111
180-Gallon Reef System 129
500-Gallon Reef System 143
20,000-Gallon Reef System 161
Reef Tanks from around the world 181
Acronyms 258
Glossary 260
Bibliography 262
Photo & Diagrams contributions 264
Index 266

Chapters 7 - 9 are the step by step procedures of setting up 4 common sizes of reef systems from beginning to end i.e., equipment, lighting, filtration etc.. The last chapter deals with 42 of the best reef tanks in the world of all sizes and what the potential is for your reef tank to look like if you do it right.

Reef Builders review and comments

The Coral Reef Aquarium by Tony Vargas is the next great book of reefing

I will add this book was reviewed by many at the 2010 MACNA conference, held in Orlando Florida the first week of September, without one single negative comment and nothing but praise.

So, who is this Tony Vargas guy ?
Tony Vargas started his aquatic adventures at the age of seven, with Guppies in a pickle jar. Shortly thereafter, he was breeding a large host of fresh water tropical's. In the early eighties he took a giant leap forward and assembled his very first salt water aquarium (fish only). The biological system of choice back than were under gravel filters. Moving on to more challenging waters, in the late 1980's he took another leap forward and experimented with marine invertebrates and corals. At that point in time a sump loaded with Bio-balls was the biological filter of choice. Moving forward in the late eighties a handful of aquarist and Tony were among the first in United States to successfully keep and maintain Acropora alive in captivity, long term. He started to share this experiences and knowledge with others through the many articles written on the subject. These articles were written in a column called "Feature Coral" for FAMA. One of the Acropora articles in FAMA was acknowledge in Carden Wallace text book on Acropora "Staghorn Corals of the World".

Today, Tony SCUBA dives around the world taking underwater photos and observing many of these creatures in their natural environment. With his writings he has effectively communicated his experiences and observations. Tony has traveled the States and Europe giving lectures and consultations on corals and reef fish husbandry

Did I fail to mention he is like my best friend ? So, that should have some merit right
That of course means I'm in the book also as a contributor :tongue1:

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House of Laughter

Super Moderator
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Ossining, NY
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Russ and I reviewed the draft copy over lunch with Tony and Michael Moy and friends - this is deefinately a good practical guide to marine tank set ups and how to do it right the first time. I know Saltwater Critters welcomes this approach as it's part of our business philosophy.

We have come to know Tony better through he unfortunate passing of Greg Schiemer and we chatted reef at his funeral (I am sure Greg would have it no other way). Since then, we have been spending MACNA weeks together with some of the greatest hobbyists of all time. MACNA is a must of you're into this hobby.

Special thanks to Tony for putting this together.


Simon Garratt

Advanced Reefer
Southampton UK
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Ive got to say that after doing tank articles myself for quite a few years now for magazines, there is a very fine art in pulling the right info together and putting it into a format that allows lessons to be learnt by the advanced or begginer reefkeeper, regardless of the scope of the system being coverd in print..

Tony has pulled it off in magnificent fashion in my opinion, with the right questions asked, the right images to show the potential of a well designed and run system, and with a huge amount of scope shown from nano to wallet buster..

The rest is equally as skilled and well presented.

A very very well written and presented piece of litterature which should adorn any reefkeepers or shop bookshelf...

Well done Tony, and many thanks. It was a huge honour being involved in such a great piece of work..



Old School Reefer
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Tony's book has the 'right stuff'. He brings together the advancements of the hobby in a way that is easy to understand. This is going to be the new and updated book that needs to be included with every new reefers first piece of equipment as well as the advanced reefers collection.

The draft copy was already laid out beautifully. I can only imagine how good the final copy will be.

Best of luck Tony

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