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Jeez, this should be called Brooklyn Reefs. It seems most all of you live there. Since I was born there I guess that's OK <G>.
Anyway, I'm stunned by the responses. :shocked1:
Looks like this has a chance of working out real well. As I mentioned, the livestock obviously has to go first (duh). Rock should be the first to facilitate the catching of fish, I'd think.
So, I'm going to be home/available all of next week (after Sunday, 23). If all the livestock can be picked up during the week then the rest can go on the weekend (29th & 30th) if not sooner. Or you can all come at once, hehehe.
You guys know the order in which you posted and what you're interested in. If you could PM your name & phone number to me I'll call you (in proper order) and we can discuss prices, live. I think it'll be easier and quicker that way.
I'll then post progress/scheduling here if it applies to the whole group to keep you apprised and to maintain some sense of order. Does that sound like a plan? If you have any better ideas, feel free to mention them.

BTW: I'm roughly one hour to an hour and a half from Bklyn, depending on traffic (doesn't it always?) and your exact location.



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Oh, forgot to mention, since somebody asked, most of the rocks are pretty good sized, porous and very nice looking.


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145   2   0
inkblue said:
We should go as a group... :)
we could do that ,,and if someone need something small ,amybe whoever is going can bring it back with them ,and have the person pick it up local


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Ok, Jawwad & Inkblue are good to go, it seems. They are accounting for roughly at least (and approx) 40 to 55 pounds of rock, Hamilton light fixture, all the fishes and much of the livestock, and maybe the sump. Drunktank has dibs on the Iwaki 30 pump.

Deepwater, I'll get back to you with the info on heaters, PH meter & Max-jet power heads as soon as I get some time. I'm getting jammed up for time tonight.

Otherwise, the rest of the stuff is still up for grabs. Those of you who expressed an interest in the rock, contact me if the interest is still there (Reefer Madness & John?)
If anyone wants anything, let me know. :thanks:



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Oh, I neglected to mention that I also have lots of chemicals, several gallons of B-Ionic, additives and also Salifert test kits, hydrometer, salinity tester, small air pumps & tubing, brine shrimp hatcher, and God knows what else.
Also, TurboFlotor 1000 (skimmer) w/pump is available again.


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Anyone driving out there next week from Brooklyn? I wanted to buy the tank but dont have a car. Is there anyone willing to take me out there to pick it up and drop it at my place in park slope? I know this is a big ask but if anyone was going out there already....?
Let me know. Aaron

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