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I had a 57 rimless tank b4 i got my 100 gallon rimless and i did 10 gal water change every week. And i had a sump and a much larger skimmer than urs. Imo u need to get some other kind of filtration in there if ur going to keep ur corals happpy and not die off on u the way they did b4.


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I had a 57 rimless tank b4 i got my 100 gallon rimless and i did 10 gal water change every week. And i had a sump and a much larger skimmer than urs. Imo u need to get some other kind of filtration in there if ur going to keep ur corals happpy and not die off on u the way they did b4.

What other type of filtration do you recommend?


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With my 34g there was an actual 26g of water in there so I would do a 5g water change every two weeks. This seemed to keep the tank in order...but I did notice with most of my corals they would be VERY healthy for about a month or two and then slowly die. The only one that always thrived would be the ricordea's. How large of a water change should I do on the 57g?...and how often? There is about 45 actual gallons of water in the tank. As for the corals...I use reef crystals...but is there anything else I should be supplmenting into my water?

With your filtration system I would do 15gallons weekly. I would also use phosban in a reactor 24/7. Dosing is a whole other topic. Read the many threads about 2 part dosing.


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if your not going to drill it at this point either an over flow system
and just keep everything on the sump the point of a rimless tank is the super clean look it wont look goodwith a hang on filter plus a hang on skimmer

lol...I don't think you understand...I am NOT setting up a sump!! :headache:


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With your filtration system I would do 15gallons weekly. I would also use phosban in a reactor 24/7. Dosing is a whole other topic. Read the many threads about 2 part dosing.

Thanks!...that's what I was thinking. What do you think about adding a "AquaClear Fuge"? I checked it out today (yes I know I am VERY late!) and it looks pretty good. Any thoughts on it?


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Hey guys, just a quick update on the tank. Picked up 40lbs of CaribSea Fiji Pink and 20lbs of the Oolite. Finished the aquascape and the water has finally cleared up.


(not the final position of the skimmer!!!...just ran it to help clear the water)

Picked up my MP10 today!!


I'm thinking supplementing the MP10 with another small powerhead directed behind my rock work. Any suggestions?


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Thanks!...that's what I was thinking. What do you think about adding a "AquaClear Fuge"? I checked it out today (yes I know I am VERY late!) and it looks pretty good. Any thoughts on it?

IMO you should look to upgrade your skimmer. The skimmer will export the most wastes from your tank besides large water changes. Adding another large hanging thing (fuge) off the back will only detract from the overall clean look.
I would try to find a used Deltec MCE 600. This skimmer along with a phosban reactor will make your tank more successful.
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Pro hobby anti profit!
Staten Island ny
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Im the currently lucky person who ownS kenconnects old 57 rimless and i kept much of his design intact , and using a filter can be a challenge if you go with the remora and a possible canister as i have seen on many tanks in the past, i would realy do a sump for soooo many reasons but this was your choice , and just to give you a bit of an idea as to how effective and beneficial a sump can be , i did my tank just as you did and with the sump and skimmer running , it was clear in 3 hrs!!! Consider the sump!
Also keep those water changes religiously
Rockaway Park
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Looks nice and clean right now... I don't know how it's gonna look after you have a fuge, reactor and a bigger skimmer hanging from the back... I'm sure you'll have plenty of space inside that stand to hide all the equipment.

You might wanna reconsider about running a sump. The thought of if it might not be as 'simple' as having a sumpless tank, but it really is.. It will also most definitely look a lot simpler than having all that stuff hanging around the tank.

JMO, good luck with it!


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New York, NY
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The aquaclear filter fuge mod will be a good option since you really are set on not doing a sump.
It's an easy mod and it works. I tried doing that with my current rimless and to tell you the truth i did not like the look of the aquaclear hanging on the rim of the tank. But that depends on your preference
You might consider hang on back refugiums too.


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Hey guys...just a quick update on the tank. It's been 3 weeks now and still no ammonia spike. I don't know why it's taking this long...my LFS suggests that I add a fish to introduce some ammonia to the tank. With my old tank ammonia spiked on its own with no fish and I kinda want to take the same route with this tank. Shouldn't I have seen some signs of ammonia by now??? There is 55lbs of Marco Rock (dry base rock) and about 6lbs of live rock from the LFS in there...as well as 60lbs of live sand. Should I add some ammonia to the tank to help kick start things?? Please help!

P.S. I decided to go with the Kessil a350w...should be in on Monday!


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To get your ammonia running, just add in raw shrimp.

Individuals that keep stating add in a better skimmer. All EFFECTIVE hob skimmers are pricey and very unlikely he will want to spend the extra cash.

Such as a deltec MCE hob: [$539]

I would rather spend the money on:

Test kits -
A used Apex controller - USED at Reef Central is your bet
Dosing kit - $149 + 30 shipping 3 part dosing marine magic EBAY : http://www.ebay.com/itm/Marine-Magi...288?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item416db9b120
HOB Fuge (chaeto and mangroves for export) ~100

Maintain your husbandry and you will be fine. I think the above suggested makes for a better use of your money on your requirements of not switching over to a sump.

Apex new:

Apex Kit w/AquaDisplay/EB8 (mfg# C-APEXEB8), CD-79052, $458.99
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Hey guys....I have really hit a bump here. I'm starting to get frustrated with this tank....it seems to be one issue after another! First this tank takes 6+ weeks to cycle...finally done...ammonia 0ppm, nitrite 0ppm, nitrate 5ppm. Then the MP10 starts blowing my sand into dunes on one side, I have to keep it at 50% power or less for this not to happen....very annoying!!! I added the first fish yesterday, a Melanurus Wrasse. Of course the fish is no where in sight...the guy at the LFS tells me that it sleeps in the sand AFTER I buy the fish. Don't get me wrong, it's a nice fish but I prefer fish who spend the majority of their time in the water column. Now i'm on a mission to find this fish which is a real pain in the a$$. I didn't mind the long wait to cycle...this experience has just been very different from my first tank and nothing like what I expected. Water parameters are good and the cycle is complete but I never got an algae/diatom bloom...is this normal? And now the most frustrating thing about this tank....there is some white stuff caked up all over the tank, it looks absolutely horrible....some of it I can just scrub away but there are so many patches left that WILL not come off. This really just makes me want to smash this tank and chuck it in the garbage. I remember caked up green algae that would be there for weeks on my old tank and yet it would still come off....this white crap however, will not budge! The guy at the LFS told me that this can be caused by me mixing the salt in the tank (when i first set it up) or from adding pH buffer directly to the tank (keep in mind I do not have a sump). He suggests that I get a razor blade to remove this stuff. HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO REACH THE BOTTOM OF MY TANK WITH A RAZOR BLADE?!?!?!?!....i'm really just fed up with all of this. Sorry to rant like this, but I seriously need to vent a little!!!! How can I remove this from my tank?!...someone please help! Thanks

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It might be from the cycle . I had that Happen but it wassent hard..
If so just scrape It off .

Are your lights on? Also can be algae

And wrasses do that .my First wrasse I did not see for the first 3 days so give him/her a few days to adjust & get something to cover the top they tend to jump when spooked (even by lights turning on)

Hope this helps at least a bit


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You should probably start reading a little more as wrasses jump and would be scared as your open top. I love rimless but found that it starts to become a pain when you have fish that possibly jump.

That white stuff is probably from adding salt directly into the tank to cycle.

Just use a magfloat.

You have to adjust the mp10 and find the sweet spot.

Most of your issues are common and just let it pass by. Time is your friend in this hobby. Reefing has a lot of ups and downs so be prepared.


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It might be from the cycle . I had that Happen but it wassent hard..
If so just scrape It off .

Are your lights on? Also can be algae

And wrasses do that .my First wrasse I did not see for the first 3 days so give him/her a few days to adjust & get something to cover the top they tend to jump when spooked (even by lights turning on)

Hope this helps at least a bit

You should probably start reading a little more as wrasses jump and would be scared as your open top. I love rimless but found that it starts to become a pain when you have fish that possibly jump.

That white stuff is probably from adding salt directly into the tank to cycle.

Just use a magfloat.

You have to adjust the mp10 and find the sweet spot.

Most of your issues are common and just let it pass by. Time is your friend in this hobby. Reefing has a lot of ups and downs so be prepared.

Thanks guys......after about 1000 cigarettes I have cooled down! lol. I just needed to have a rant about this tank. So far I took a razor blade to the white stuff in the tank...most of it is off I just have to finish up the rest.

My light has not been on the tank this whole time...I guess that's why my pH was so low. I kept dosing it with the buffer and I did a little research...and apparently repeated dosing can cause the calcium to precipitate out of the water and create the calcium carbonate on the glass?? I might be completely off with that...lol

I managed to find the wrasse in the tank. I took it back and got the fish I always wanted...a flame angel. I acclimated him and he's in the tank right now...happily swimming around and investigating.

I pick up the light tomorrow (Kessil A350w)...gonna find some way to mount it up until the Kessil gooseneck clamp comes in. I'll run the light for a few hours each day and see if that helps with the pH (i'm stuck at 7.8-8.0). Everything is coming together perfectly. I will have some pics up as soon as everything is set up. Sorry guys!...for a brief moment I forgot how gratifying this hobby was really was...at least when everything goes right!


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The Kessil gooseneck finally arrived! I gave the tank a good cleaning with a razor blade. The Kessil is amazing!!...these pics don't do it justice!! It is a VERY bright light in person.





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