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JH Queens
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I think the swap is fine the way it is.. Just need more space to accomodate everyone and more reliable post swap clean up crew. I think the auction system need to be better as someone already mentioned it here, people couldnt see what they are actually bidding on. Why would anyone complaint about non vendor selling prior to the swap or have any kind of advantage? vendors can do the same and had been. Charging vendor table fee is fair as well, members can set up a table for the same price. I dont think having separate swaps for vendors and non vendors is a good idea, its less appealing than having them combined. Buyers can shop from both sources, selling members also shop at the vendors.
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I don't think Ink's initial statement is directed at you.

There's a difference. They acquired their stock in bulk at wholesale prices. We are selling frags grown from frags(How sure are you in this? Do you think a member can grow a frag to 10 frags in 2 weeks? He does not even have that coral in his tank weeks ago but suddenly he offered them in the swap LOL) we acquired at retail prices unless bought from other members. And that's the key Note: I am not against members' sale but I just want people to understand the truth is there are many members buying wholesale and reselling them. As long their sales provide a benefit to us(buyers,hobbyists/vendors/club....), it's all good. I am a free market activist-I like their low prices too. However, doing the same thing as a vendor but hiding it behind the guise of a home grown farmer is too hyprocrite. Vendor or non-vendor does not matter, swap and sales still go on is good.

If that's the case you shouldn't be buying from them. But I haven't seen any cases where members sell frags at retail prices. I have nothing against vendors I actually bought frags from vendors such as OGII and Manhattan Aquarium to name a few at both Swap. Aside from Swap, I often frequent them on a regular basis.

But you did hit a good point. If you're selling then someone is buying. If you're buying you're probably also selling, unless you're just starting out like I did at the last Swap. No one is losing or making money here. You sell to offset the cost from buying. But you don't make money unless you buy bulk at wholesale prices and sell at crazy mark up (think ORA). That's where vendors come in. They need to do that in order to stay in business. We, the members, do this as a hobby and have a full-time job that pays our bill and the hobby. If we could make money selling corals we would have quit our job and become a vendor. I still don't understand why you think you are targeted as part of the group? You said "we". With your volume of sale, of course, you cannot. However, when the volume is $2000.00 a swap and 4-8 swaps a year plus daily sales, then may be that's a pretty good side business(hey, side business is still a business).

Since you stated ORA which you considered as a vendor, so do I. Can you tell me, reqardless of prices, the difference bewteen an aquafarmer vs a home aquafarmer? Now to the extreme, a weed grower in the mountain then resell them(regardless of price) vs a weed grower at ones own home and resell them(regardless of price)? To me, and in the eyes of legal terms, just bigger and smaller vendors.

ALL my arguements are presented for logical thinking and not intended to attack any party.

ANywya, I am bowing out as I may have caused too many controvesy. Have fun thinking out all these stuff. Hey, I need to go back to make some money too-I am not full time vendor here, bro.
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- Untitled -
Da B - X
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I remember when members used to bring their own tank (5 / 10 gallon), light, etc & show off the corals they had for sale.:(

lazibonez said:
I dont think having separate swaps for vendors and non vendors is a good idea, its less appealing than having them combined. Buyers can shop from both sources, selling members also shop at the vendors.



SPS Fanatic
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Hey Wingo I'm just trying to keep the good deals around lol if you charge ppl for selling at the Swap they'll probably up their prices even more and do we want that? I'm not saying ORA is a vendor I'm saying vendors who sell ORA frags.

All I'm saying is there's nothing wrong with member selling at the Swap to offset cost. We're already paying an admission fee which grants you access with the opportunity to sell, buy and trade with other members. An additional fee on top of that just doesn't make sense. If a member is indeed proven to be doing it for profit and not as a vendor then it's up to you whether to buy from him/her or support the vendors.

My interest is strictly in the good deals provided by other members. Imposing a fee would undermine this benefit, which is what's great about MR.


Advanced Reefer
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I thought the swap was to be around others that are into the hobby? the selling the vendor are just the extra topping on the cake. I went to the swap to see people that i have talk and help me out as well as meeting new friends that share this hobby. For all it worth it was good I was alittle taken back since it was my first but I am willing to do it all over again just not miss the tour next time


Advanced Reefer
Miami, FL
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What does everyone think about one member only sale/swap event and another vendor only sale/swap event.

I think it should stay the way it is! Having vendors is great, having members selling their own stuff is icing on the cake!
Some members have collections that are unreal and its one of my favorite parts about MR, to be able to get frags from members and not just vendors!


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I think members should be able to sell/buy goods from other members during a swap. Whether you realize it or not, members do pay a fee to sell. It's called an admission fee.


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The fee they pay allows them to get into the event. It's not like they are getting in for free. Paying another fee on top of that makes no sense.
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